204 research outputs found

    Towards MANET-based Recommender Systems for Open Facilities

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    Nowadays, most recommender systems are based on a centralized architecture, which can cause crucial issues in terms of trust, privacy, dependability, and costs. In this paper, we propose a decentralized and distributed MANET-based (Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork) recommender system for open facilities. The system is based on mobile devices that collect sensor data about users locations to derive implicit ratings that are used for collaborative filtering recommendations. The mechanisms of deriving ratings and propagating them in a MANET network are discussed in detail. Finally, extensive experiments demonstrate the suitability of the approach in terms of different performance metrics. © 2021, The Author(s)

    I am all EARS: Using open data and knowledge graph embeddings for music recommendations

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    Music streaming platforms offer music listeners an overwhelming choice of music. Therefore, users of streaming platforms need the support of music recommendation systems to find music that suits their personal taste. Currently, a new class of recommender systems based on knowledge graph embeddings promises to improve the quality of recommendations, in particular to provide diverse and novel recommendations. This paper investigates how knowledge graph embeddings can improve music recommendations. First, it is shown how a collaborative knowledge graph can be derived from open music data sources. Based on this knowledge graph, the music recommender system EARS (knowledge graph Embedding-based Artist Recommender System) is presented in detail, with particular emphasis on recommendation diversity and explainability. Finally, a comprehensive evaluation with real-world data is conducted, comparing of different embeddings and investigating the influence of different types of knowledge

    High-speed videos of laboratory leaders emerging from wind turbine blade tips

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    This paper presents some observation results of the attachment test of a wind turbine blade as described in the upgrade of the IEC-61400-24. The optical observations were performed by means of high-speed video and UV-sensitive photo camera. This study investigates the effects on the leaders emerging from the blade comparing three different air-terminals: discrete receptors, discrete receptors with diverter strips and metallic tip. In the first two types, salt mist pollution was applied to the blade. For non polluted tips positive leaders appeared from receptors towards the ground avoiding the blade surface. When the blade was polluted additional leaders emerged moving horizontally. Moreover, in this situation the leader progressed on the blade surface. Pollution also produced the inception of more leaders when the blade was equipped with discrete receptors and diverter strips.Preprin

    Re-CoSKQ: Towards POIS recommendation using collective spatial keyword queries

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    The goal of collective spatial keyword queries is to retrieve, from a spatial database, a group of spatial items such that the description of the items included in that set (typically based on the use of keywords) is completely covered by the query’s keywords. Moreover, it ensures that the items retrieved are as near as possible to the query location and have the lowest inter-item distances. We argue that using this concept in the field of recommender systems could be useful. Therefore, in this position paper, we outline the idea of Re-CoSKQ, an adaptation of Collective Spatial Keyword Query (CoSKQ) for recommender systems in the tourism domain to provide the user with a set of Points of Interest (POIs) that satisfy his/her queries both geographically and semantically

    A novel network-based analysis to measure efficiency in science and technology parks: the ISA framework approach

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    In the last years, Science and Technology Parks (STPs) have been considered facilitators of inter-organizational relationships, as well as instruments of public policy, by creating networks and allowing access for the learning of local innovation.In this study, we propose a quantitative tool as support for measuring the efficiency of STPs through the analysis of the complex networks they form. We present a generic framework called the Inter-Relationship Science-Park Analysis (ISA) framework to study STPs at three different levels of management: (1) individual entities (research centres, universities, innovation companies, etc.); (2) STP global management; and (3) productive sector development. Moreover, we have applied the ISA framework to a real-world case study: the Walqa Science and Technology Park. Through it we have been able to know what relationships are established within this Science and Technology Park and which are the most important nodes in this network of interactions

    Multivariate data envelopment analysis to measure airline efficiency in european airspace: a network-based approach

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    In this paper, data envelopment analysis (DEA) is applied to exhaustively examine the efficiency of the main airline companies in the European airspace by using novel input/output parameters: business management factors, network analysis metrics, as well as social media estimators. Furthermore, we also use network analysis to provide a better differentiation among efficiency values. Results indicate that user engagement, as well as the analysis of the position within the airspace-from an operative perspective, influence the efficiency of the airline companies, allowing a more comprehensive understanding of its functioning

    Dynamic discovery and maintenance of role-based performance standards

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    Standards have been deeply studied in economics in order to assure a certain quality of service in bilateral contracts. More specifically, in multi-agent systems performance standards may be used in order to articulate contracts among partners in environments dealing with uncertainty. However, little effort has been made on defining how standards are created and, what is more important, how to ensure standards compliance over time. In this work we put forward a mechanism that, on one hand, creates standards from roles denoting task specialization skills and, on the other hand, tries to maintain role performance standards by applying incentives and/or punishments to agents identified as being able to play those roles

    Nuevas tecnologías y adicciones: un estudio de la percepción de los jóvenes universitarios.

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado plantea un estudio acerca de la percepción que tienen los jóvenes universitariossobre el uso que le dan a las nuevas tecnologías y el uso que creen que le dan sus padres o tutor legal. Seanalizan también los factores que hacen que los jóvenes se vuelvan adictos a las mismas. Para la realizacióndel estudio se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica previa y a continuación se ha desarrollado uncuestionario vía online en el que se ha contado con la participación de 165 jóvenes que estudian en launiversidad, con edades comprendidas desde los 17 años hasta los 30. El objetivo final es aplicar losresultados obtenidos para tratar la adicción a las nuevas tecnologías desde el Trabajo Social.<br /